Biligrain Company
We perform the following works:
Acceptance of seed material: weighing, laboratory analysis, unloading;
Primary cleaning;
Drying of seed material;
Fine cleaning;
Trier block;
Optical sorting;
Biological enrichment;
Packing (packaging) seeds in bags;
Shipment: laboratory analysis, weighing, vehicle loading;
Storage of finished products in the appropriate warehouse.
Enrichment and packaging
Processing of seeds
Processing of seed material, its enrichment and packaging at our own automated seed plant.
Our attention is focused on controlling the traceability of the movement of seed material from the field to the bag of ready-made seeds, and maintaining stable temperature conditions, humidity and equipping the plant with modern equipment from world leaders, namely WESTRUP grain cleaning and calibration machines, BUHLER stone selector and photoseparator, WILLY NIKAS seed processing system and packaging of the Vallenda line.